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新加坡邮政隶属电信公司(简称TAS Telecommunication Authority of Singapore)下的一个子公司,是民营化的公司,自1992年4月改制起由政府给予15年的专营权,迄2007年是否延长或开放其它民营公司投入将再讨论。这一变革比最早将邮政改制为公司型态的英国邮政还要先进,是世界唯一的实例。若论以“公司”来执行政府职务的例证早在200年前即已有,如“东印度公司”便是替荷兰政府力行亚洲地区殖民工作。邮政在百余年来陆续从政府机关、国营事业的角色蜕变为民营递送者。此变革在全球已是潮流。新加坡邮政改革实施已逾5年,民间反应颇佳,倒是有意涉足该经营领域的企业、集团不免眼红。2007年,政府大概开放几家公司共同经营递送邮件,至于从国营改为民营恐怕是无从收回的了。


Singapore Post traces its history to the founding of modern Singapore in 1819, when a single post office was established in the former Parliament House. The small amount of mail handled required just three persons to operate. Accelerating trade and development, however, led to the growth of the office into a separate department from the Marine Office in October 1858.

Under a Malayan Postal Union Agreement in 1949, the Singapore Postal Department was linked with the Postal Department of the Federation of Malaya. A colonial postal system was imposed which standardised rules, regulations, procedures and postage rates in both territories. The operation of international postal agreements, introduction of new services or modification of existing services was centrally administered by the Postmaster General of Malaya from the joint administrative headquarters in Kuala Lumpur. However, the government of that territory retained revenue collected in each territory.

Singapore took over its own postal functions in stages after its independence on 9 August 1965 and was admitted to the Universal Postal Union (UPU) on 8 January 1966. The Singapore Postal Services Department became a fully autonomous body on 1 January 1967.

In 1982, the Postal Services Department merged with the then Telecommunication Authority of Singapore, known as Telecoms. With the merger, the Assistant General Manager (Postal Services) was responsible for the development and administration of all postal facilities in Singapore. In 1992, the Telecommunication Authority of Singapore was split into three entities: the reconstituted Telecommunication Authority of Singapore (TAS, now part of the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore), Singapore Telecommunications Private Limited (now Singapore Telecommunications Limited) and Singapore Post Private Limited, a subsidiary of Singapore Telecommunications. Singapore Post Limited was listed on the mainboard of the Singapore Exchange (SGX-ST) on 13 May 2003.

Singapore Post is the first Public Postal Licensee. TAS granted the licence in 1992 in accordance with section 42 of the Telecommunication Authority of Singapore Act 1992. As a licensee, Singapore Post is empowered to operate postal services with the exclusive privilege of receiving, collecting and delivering letters and postcards from one place to another until 31 March 2007.

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