中国网浪潮资讯 日前,联合国代表团将杭州萧山选定为中国城市文化国际化的样本,并进行课题研究。分析称,选择萧山是因为萧山的跨湖桥文化以及峰会文化。

CNCAO NEWS A few days ago, Xiaoshan, Hangzhou was selected for the sample of internationalization of Chinese urban culture and carried on the subject research by the United Nations mission. According to the analysis, Xiaoshan was chosen, which is because of its cross lake bridge culture and summit culture.


It is understood that Xiaoshan cross lake bridge culture is more than 8,000 years. The theme of the communication of United Nations mission in Xiaoshan is "culture connecting the world", and the activities are closely related to the cross lake bridge culture.


There is an international summit culture in Xiaoshan. Since the G20 Hangzhou Summit, the Hangzhou International Expo Center and its surrounding areas have become very hot. Since Xiaoshan held exhibitions such as Alibaba 2017 Global Netrepreneur Conference, Taobao Maker Festival, it will build a place for international competitions, international conferences and international organizations.


In addition, under the exhibition economy, Xiaoshan enterprises accelerate the "go out" step and move up the global value chain. Xiaoshan has become an international leader of Zhejiang.


According to the introduction, this project will focus on studying the cultural development orientation of Xiaoshan in the international context, and provide tangible ways to the internationalization of Xiaoshan culture.

(见习记者陈丹娜 记者杨云寒 综合报道 翻译 鲍梦依)
