

Patricia Arquette,凭借Boyhood获得最佳女配角,她在领奖台上,呼吁男女同工同酬。在电影里面,她扮演一个经历多次婚姻,一个人不断努力学习和工作,来抚养两个孩子的单亲妈妈。

  • 'It's amazing, but it is time for us. It is time for women. Equal means equal. And the truth is, the older women get, the less money they make. The more children ‑‑ the highest percentage of children living in poverty are female‑headed households.

  • And it's inexcusable that we go around the world and we talk about equal rights for women in other countries and we don't have equal rights for women in America and we don't because when they wrote the Constitution, they didn't intend it for women.

  • So, the truth is, even though we sort of feel like we have equal rights in America, right under the surface, there are huge issues that are applied that really do affect women.

  • And it's time for all the women in America and all the men that love women, and all the gay people, and all the people of color that we've all fought for to fight for us now.

  • --Patricia Arquette

  • 虽然感觉有点奇怪,但这是我们的时代,女性的时代。平等就是平等。但事实上,女性年纪越大,赚的钱越少。生活在贫困中的孩子,大部分来自于单身母亲家庭。

  • 我们在全世界宣扬男女平等,但美国的女性却没有享受到同等权利,这是找不到任何托辞的。而我们之所以没有权利,是因为他们在写宪法的时候,根本没有想到要为了女性。

  • 真相就是,尽管我们觉得似乎美国男女平等,但在本质上,女性的生活被很多问题影响着。

  • 所以现在是时候,所有的美国女性,还有那些爱着女性的男士们,所有那些我们为你们争取过权利的男同性恋和有色人种们,是时候你们来为我们争取权利了。

Common and Legend, 凭借电影Selma中的主题曲Glory获得最佳歌曲。这部电影描述的是马丁路德金如何透过公民抗命,在Selma发起了一场争取黑人平权的运动。

  • First off, I’d like to thank God that lives in us all. Recently, John and I got to go to Selma and perform “Glory” on the same bridge that Dr. King and the people of the civil rights movement marched on 50 years ago. This bridge was once a landmark of a divided nation, but now is a symbol for change. The spirit of this bridge transcends race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and social status. The spirit of this bridge connects the kid from the South side of Chicago, dreaming of a better life to those in France standing up for their freedom of expression to the people in Hong Kong protesting for democracy. This bridge was built on hope. Welded with compassion. And elevated by love for all human beings.

  • --Common

  • 首先,感谢上帝和我们同在。最近,John和我去了Selma,在马丁路德金和人权运动人士五十年前一起游行的桥上,演唱了“荣耀”这首歌。这座桥曾经是一个分裂的国家的标志物,现在却象征着改变。这座桥的精神,穿越种族,性别,宗教,性取向,社会阶层。这座桥的精神,把来自芝加哥南部,希望有一个更好生活的孩子,和那些在法国为了言论自由而站出来。这座桥建立了希望。我们和同情心一起变老,我们在对人类的爱中升华。

  • Thank you. Nina Simone said it’s an artist’s duty to reflect the times in which we live. We wrote this song for a film that was based on events that were 50 years ago, but we say Selma is now, because the struggle for justice is right now. We know that the voting rights, the act that they fought for 50 years ago is being compromised right now in this country today. We know that right now the struggle for freedom and justice is real. We live in the most incarcerated country in the world. There are more black men under correctional control today than were under slavery in 1850. When people are marching with our song, we want to tell you that we are with you, we see you, we love you, and march on.

  • ---John Legend

  • 谢谢。Nina Simone说过,表现我们生活的时代是艺术家的责任。我们创作的这首歌,是为了一部讲述五十年前的事件的电影,但我们认为,Selma反映的是现在,因为当下为了正义的抗争。我们知道,五十年前他们争取来的投票权,在当下可能遭到剥夺。我们知道,当下对自由和正义的抗争是实实在在的。我们生活在一个世界上最紧闭的国家。在监狱中的黑人比1850年的黑奴还要多。当人们唱着我们的歌游行的时候,我们想要告诉你们,我们和你们一起,我们看见你们,我们爱你们,一起向前。

Graham Moore凭借电影The Imitate Game获得最佳编剧奖,他在领奖台上公开谈论自杀这个话题。

  • When I was 16 years old I tried to kill myself because I felt different and that I didn't belong. Now I'm here, and I want this moment to be for that kid who feels weird or different. Stay weird, stay different.I promise you do. And then when it's your turn, and you are the one standing on this stage, please pass the same message to the next person who comes along.

  • ---Graham Moore

  • 当我16岁的时候,我曾经尝试自杀,因为我觉得自己和世界格格不入。现在我在这里,我希望这个时刻是所有那些觉得自己怪异或者和别人不同的孩子们的。保持怪异,保持和别人不同。当你的转折来临,会是你站在这个舞台上。请把这个信息传递给他们。

Eddie Redmayne凭借电影The theory of Everthing获得最佳男主角,他扮演身患ALS的科学家霍金。

  • I'm fully aware that I am a lucky, lucky man. This Oscar belongs to all of those people around the world battling ALS.

  • ---Eddie Redmayne

  • 我觉得我是一个太太幸运的人。这个奥斯卡奖属于全世界所有和ALS搏斗的人们。

墨西哥出生的导演Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu凭借电影“Birdman”获得最佳导演奖,他在演讲台上谈论移民政策问题。他是连续第二个获得奥斯卡最佳导演的墨西哥裔,去年是Gravity的导演Alfonso Cuaron。奥巴马的移民法案,目前正在等待国会通过。

  • Maybe next year the goverment might impose some immigration rules on the academy. Two Mexicans in a row is suspicious. I guess.

  • I want to dedicate this award for my fellow Mexicans, the ones who live in Mexico.I pray that we can find and build the government that we deserve. And the ones that live in this country who are part of the latest generation of immigrants in this country, I just pray that they can be treated with the same dignity and the respect of the ones who came before and (built) this incredible immigrant nation."

  • ---Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu

  • 也许明年政府会对奥斯卡奖设定移民限制政策。两个墨西哥人连续获奖令人生疑,我猜。

  • 我希望把这个奖和所有住在墨西哥同胞。我祈祷我们建立一个值得拥有的政府。作为一个新移民的下一代,我祈祷他们能够和那些建立了这个无与伦比的移民国家的老移民一样,享有同等的尊严和尊重。)、

JK Simmons以电影Whiplash获得最佳男配角。

  • If you're lucky enough to have a parent or two alive, call them. Don't text, don't email. Call them. Listen to them for as long as they want to talk to you.

  • --- JK Simmons

  • 如果你很幸运,你的双亲或者单亲健在,给他/他们打电话。不要短信,不要点邮,打电话。不管他们讲多久,好好聆听。

