我常常和处于各种不同阶段的创业者交谈. 在这些交谈中, 有一些"主题"会经常光顾. 这里是一些创业者在夜深人静时候经常问自己的问题. 当然, 如果已经对某些问题有了答案是很有用的 - 但这时候就需要读者您了. 如果你有关于这些问题的解答和想法, 请不吝分享. 发推或者发到OnStartup的facebook主页.
1. Is my idea good enough to quit my job?
1. 我的想法是否足够好到让我辞掉目前的工作?
2. Should I try to raise outside funding?
2. 我是否应该找别人投资?
3. Did I make a mistake picking my co-founder?
3. 合伙人是不是选错了?
4. Is it wise to take angel investing from my Uncle Larry?
4. 从熟人/亲人获得的天使投资是不是明智?
5. Do I need office space to be seen as a “real” business?
5. 我是否需要一个办公室,让自己看起来像是个做生意的?
6. I need help.  Is it ok to bring my spouse/sibling into the business?
6. 我需要帮手. 把配偶或者兄妹拉进来好不好?
7. How much should I really worry about my company name?
7. 我到底应该多在乎我的公司名字?
8. One of my co-founders needs cash to pay the bills, do we give him a salary?
8. 其中一个合伙人需要现金贴补家用,我们是否应该给他发薪水?
9. I’m passionate about our vision, but it’s been really hard getting users.  Should I pivot?
9. 我对自己的事业充满激情, 但赢得用户总是很难. 我要改变策略吗?
10. What should I charge for my product?  Will I be able to change my price later?
10. 我的产品需要哪些改进? 我能够在以后修改价格吗?
11. I have investor "interest", but no checks.  What should I do?
11. 我要给投资人"利息",但没有支票. 应该怎么办?
12. Someone from the early team is not as valuable as we though.  Should we let them go?
12. 某些早期团队成员已经不再有价值. 我们要让他们离开吗?
13. A customer wants to pay us a bunch of money for some custom features, what do we do?
13. 顾客想要付钱让我们为他定制产品, 我们应该怎么办?
14. One of our competitors is getting all the publicity (and capital) -- but our product is better.  What do I do about it?
14. 我们的一个竞争对手已经获得了所有的公众((以及资本)的关注 -- 但我们的产品更好. 这时应该怎么办?
15. I keep hearing about the importance of "work life balance", but don't know any successful entrepreneur that's pulled that off.  Is it a myth or am I doing something wrong?
15. 我总是听到所谓"工作生活两不误"的重要性, 但是却从没见过一个创业者能够做到. 这到底是迷信还是我有什么地方做的不对?
16. One of our board members is a real pain in the ass, is there anything I can do?
16. 某个董事总是制造麻烦, 怎么办?
17. How do I recruit a great product manager?  What does a product manager do anyways?
17. 我怎么招到优秀的产品经理? 产品经理都做些什么?
18. I’ve already tried to hire every super-smart person I know.  Where else do I look?
18. 我已经尝试把我所能找到的超级聪明人都招致麾下. 还有其他地方可以找吗?
19. Things are going reasonably well, but not great.  Should I try to sell the company?
19. 一切平稳进行, 但并不是很出色. 我要卖掉公司吗?
20. I’m no longer passionate about the idea, do I stick with it?
20. 我已经对这个想法没有激情了, 是否应该坚持?
21. There’s no startup ecosystem where I live.  Should I move somewhere there is?
21. 我居住的地方缺少创业的环境. 是否应该考虑搬到其他地方?
22. How long should I work on my startup while I’m still employed by someone else?
22. 在给别人打工的同时, 我应该花多少时间到我的公司?
23. I’ve been at it for a couple of years but nothing is happening.  What’s wrong with me?
23. 我已经投入了好几年了,但仍然没啥起色. 我到底是怎么了?
24. I love my company, but most of my time is spent doing things I don’t love.  How do I fix this?
24. 我爱我的公司, 但我大多数时间都是在做我不喜欢的事情. 我应该怎么改变?
我怎么想? 是否有其他要添加 - 或者想要回答这些问题. 哪些问题你觉得最常见/最难回答?
想要找其他的创业粉丝? 加入 OnStartups LinkedIn Group. 作者twitter: @dharmesh.
原作者: 来源Sleepless In Startupville:  23 Questions That Keep Entrepreneurs Up 译者zhangv
